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About ABV

Arubaanse Bond van werknemers in Verplegende instellingen

The ABV is one of the largest stakeholders in various healthcare institutions in Aruba.

ABV represents its members and their best interests through optimizing working agreements and defending their rights as Aruba's treasured health workers.


Our Story

The union was founded back in 1968 by Sister Elvira Flanegin who invisioned a legal entity able to protect Aruba's treasured health workers. 
Sister Elvira Flanegin was chosen to be the first President of the union upon succesfully founding what we know today as the ABV.

Since that time, the workers needed a representative to look after their interests, especially the primary and secondary conditions:

 A decent salary and fair working hours.


Who we are & what we do

Who are we?

The ABV is a union that exists since 1968 and promotes the interests of its members in various healthcare institutions in Aruba.


What do we do?

The ABV is one of the largest stakeholders in various health care institutions that represent the interests of its members, both in terms of working conditions and professional content.

Why is it essential to be a Member?

ABV supports you in the areas of work, income and care.

But as we support the ones taking care of our beloved Aruba, we also want to offer you extra support.

For this reason we have agreements with a number of other parties on the Island who provide complementary services and products we know are members can benefit from.

Our goal has never been and never will be to earn money as all are membership fee's get reinvested into continually improving our structures, in order to deliver more value to our members

We do it all for you, our member or follower. So that you get what you deserve.

Our Partners

Instituto Medico
San Nicolas
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Stichting Algemene Bejaardenzorg Aruba
Dr. Horacio E. Oduber
Partner institutes

One of Aruba's top Lawyers at your service

Nancy Gravenstijn is a lawyer who helps ABV members with legal problems related to their jobs as healthcare workers.


If you're an ABV member, you can talk to Nancy if you need help with a dispute. She knows a lot about the law and can give you advice and support to help you solve the problem.

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Our Structure

The Board of ABV
ABV is a union that is led by a board. The composition of the board is based on the members of different healthcare institutions in aruba.


Our board members are apointed

Every 3 years the board is elected by the union council members of various institutions.

FAQ (Questions)
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